Tuesday, February 3, 2015

When Weather Forecasters Attack!

It started out like any other Groundhog Day in Sun Prairie Wisconsin, but then things went terribly wrong.

Jimmy the Groundhog, inexplicably tried to take the mayor's ear off.  His handlers, Jerry and Maria Hahn, quickly pried the varmint's jaws apart, and pulled him off the mayor, as the mayor's head of security threw himself between Jimmy and the shaken politician.

After the commotion, even MORE hubbub ensued as the Mayor announced, despite a glorious day filled with sunshine, that Jimmy did NOT see his shadow.  Some feel the mayor was rattled and did not clearly hear Jimmy.  Other's feel perhaps Jimmy did in fact fail to see his shadow due to the Mayor's hat.   

A local, Jim Savage, of Sun Prairie noted, "well the mayor, he be rockin' that Abe Lincoln throw-back jaun, and you know, ain't no sun gettin' passed that."

Other's feel this was clearly a move by Mayor Jonathan Freund to add gravitas to a potential run for President.  Denied tickets to the Dallas Cowboys suite during the recent battle with local favorites, the Packers, Freund needed to find another route.  Perhaps claiming the groundhog did NOT see his shadow was  meant to show the world he was a leader ready to make bold statements akin to:

"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I have signed legislation to outlaw Russia forever.  We begin bombing in 5 minutes."
"I am NOT a crook."
"No New taxes."
"Yes, but I did not inhale."
"I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman."
"Mission Accomplished."

An article on Channel3000.com said nothing one way or the other about the possibility of a rabid prognosticator, but did say that "either way, children and parents were all smiles as they met Jimmy in person."

Link to video and detailed account of the incident.

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