Sunday, February 15, 2015

Idaho Meteorologist Predicts Frigid Conditions After Forgetting Valentine's Day

While the Northeast is blasted by another polar vortex, most of the Northwest is seeing extremely mild conditions.  However a Meteorologist in Boise Idaho feels that trend will end, locally.

Lionel Myers, A meteorologist at KTVB 7 in Boise experienced a severe drop in temperature that began Saturday morning and continued into the evening.  

Myers explains, "While all weather models indicated a mild weekend, things dipped very quickly beginning Saturday morning.  My wife of 6 months, greeted me with breakfast in bed, and I thanked her, as any good husband would.  I then proceeded with my daily routine as normal.  I read some weather blogs, looked for changes in air mass, and even tweeted out some predictions for the next 5 and 10 day forecasts."  By mid afternoon, as he continued, he noticed the outside temperature rising as the sun moved across the clear blue skies, but inside it was cold and gloomy.

"Finally, around 7pm, Kristen asked me if I had made any dinner reservations.  I gently reminded her that it was the 2nd Saturday of the month, and that means D&D night.  I went over to my buddy Kevin's house...well technically it is his parent's place... he lives in the basement.   I was expecting a great night of slaying ogres.  Kevin looked stunned.  He said he just assumed since it was Valentine's Day I would not be around.   My face was ashen.  It was like I was caught in the midst of a dangerous winter squall."  Myers went into a state of emergency.

"I rushed to the grocery store and grabbed one of the last cards they had,"

After getting the card, he headed over to the flower department.  No staff was on hand, but they did have some flowers leftover, and they came with a vase.

"I texted my wife a Valentine's wish and message to let her know I was on my way home and had planned a dinner for us to enjoy together on our first Valentine's Day as a married couple."  When Myers got home, his wife was apparently locked in the bedroom and said she did not feel good and did not want to come out.  After pleading, and coaxing her out with a promise of a pasta dinner made especially for her, she begrudgingly opened the door.

With dinner prepared and plated especially for the occasion, Myers was sure the arctic blast would move out quickly.  He even opened a bottle of libations he had picked up from the grocery store's meager stock.

"Once dinner was on the table, I unscrewed the wine and said something like, look, red for Valentine's. Dinner went as well as could be expected, but despite some casual chit chat, things never really warmed up."  

Myers ended up watching Sanford and Son reruns, and polishing off the wine since his wife retired early, still "not feeling quite right".  Finally at 11:30 he tweeted out @MyersWeatherGuy: #mildconditions end locally #arcticblast hitting hard #frigiddays ahead

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