Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dangerous Snow Squall Hampers Weather Insider Team

This evening, the back end of The Valentine's Day Storm of 2015 packed a real wallop.  On our way back, weather watcher Felicia Renz received an alert on her mobile weather device

Shortly after, we ran smack dab into it.  It was a sight to behold.  I grabbed the wheel with both hands and I used my knee a little, too.  I didn't know how long this dangerous squall would last so I urged my staff photographer to get a pic.  

The original pic didn't really do it justice, so I used Art Studio Lite to show you what it really looked like.

Reports and images of the Dangerous Snow Squall have been flooding into CCWI headquarters all evening.

Some weather watchers resorted to driving on rumble strips for added traction!

The most disturbing came from a weather watcher in Oxford Pa.

This image was sent to us by Josiah King, along with the message "I seen the Dangerous Snow Squall an she was terrifying."  
This image was so inconsistent with the others we sent our fraud department out to investigate. It was later determined the image was simply a misunderstanding - Josiah saw the dangerous squaw on the arm of Big Judy - long time bartender at the Octorara Hotel.

Tune into the Insider for Winter News as it breaks!!!

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