Sunday, February 1, 2015

Linus is Coming!

Winter storm Linus is approaching, and it could be a major winter event.

Yes, while no one seems to be taking it seriously, and it sneaks in under the radar  due to the public's Super Bowl distraction, some, like meteorologist Linus Van Pelt feel a MAJOR WINTER EVENT could rise up out of this storm that is only warranting an Advisory.

"Every year, a great storm rises up out of a simple advisory.  And while every year I typically get it wrong, I am quite SURE that THIS year, the storm with my name sake, LINUS, will be THAT storm."

While the blue skies we saw today do not look terribly threatening, we DO realize mackerel skies and mares tails, make tall ships carry low tails - so we at CCWI are predicting big changes in the next 24 hours.

We feel significant rainfall is in the near future. 

Long underwear models we use to predict temperatures indicate the temperatures may not be cold enough for snow, but swimsuit models are not in agreement that it will be rain.

Therefore, with our battling models, we are predicting a chance of snow from Charlotte NC to Quebec.

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